Holiday Stress-Busting with CBD
We’re less than two weeks away from Christmas Day. We’re getting back to normal, but not quite there yet. Christmas, by its very nature, is designed to embrace tradition. But a lot of work goes into creating something magical to be remembered and cherished by your family. For all the joy Christmas brings — there is a fair about of stress that goes with the season.

Join us for a CBD Q&A
I’m looking forward to Co-Modding with Natphar and CAASI this Wednesday at 10:30 am ET. If you’ve heard about CBD and are not sure if it’s right for you or someone you know, join us on Clubhouse and other future conversations, as we do a general Q&A about CBD and its properties for balance, wellness — in this edition: holiday stress-busting. #wellness #holidaystress
A little more background on CBD
Enter CBD and its myriad of products that can be used for stress-busting during the holidays, and all year long. CBD comes in both topicals applied to the skin, and ingestible that are consumed. The ingestible products can be in tincture, gummy, or capsule form, as well as added to foods and beverages. CBD in these forms, which are federally legal to be produced sold, and governed by state rules, is typically made from hemp extraction. People like CBD as it has a calming effect and promotes balance and wellbeing.
Although the hemp plant and cannabis plant are related, and both contain THC and CBD, the hemp plant produces high amounts of CBD and low amounts of THC. THC is what creates the psychoactive effect. Cannabis also naturally has THC and CBD but there it has higher concentrations of THC and lower amounts of CBD. Through the growing and extraction process, each can fine-tune the final amounts of CBD and THC available. Under 0.3% THC is considered a legally available CBD product. Over 0.3% THC is considered psychoactive and required to be sold by a licensed dispensary in legal states.
It was the December 2018 Farm Bill which introduced hemp as a product that could be legally farmed again, after having been outlawed when marijuana prohibition started in the 1930s. Since many states have now legalized cannabis in some form or another, although it still remains federally illegal, hemp was made federally legal. It was then up to the states to set their own rules. Those who sell CBD still have to maintain strict compliance.
The FDA needs to do more studies before it can recommend CBD for any medical purpose. Therefore those who sell CBD must make sure not to make any medical claims. The FDA does not want anyone trading prescription medicine from their doctor in favor of an unproven claim someone read on the internet. However, many people who use CBD claim relief. The most important thing is to make sure the CBD you buy is from a reputable source. Therefore, you know what you are putting in your body is natural and free of heavy metals, pesticides, or other toxins. From there it is just best to experiment, start low and slow, and see what works for you.
Benefits of CBD
Most people who use CBD, note a feeling of relaxation. For some consumers, it helps them sleep, reduce anxiety, or ease body pain. Again, these are not medical claims, and given the lack of scientific study cannot be used to prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This is only anecdotal, and the best evidence of what it can do for you is to try it for yourself. In my case, I tend to enjoy CBD as I would a glass of wine, as I am allergic to wine (as an asthmatic it does not agree with me). I find a dose of CBD gives me a deeply relaxed feeling and is perfect when I want to unwind after a long week. Other people use it every day. Everyone is different, and the key is doing what is right for you.
If you have questions about CBD, this week’s panel of experts from Natphar and Caasi have answers. Join us live on Clubhouse, catch the replay, or ask your questions in the comments below. If you don’t have questions and are ready to try some great products, I highly endorse both of these brands! Check out their websites and line of CBD products to help you bust stress this holiday and all year long.

Philippa Burgess is a creative and business professional. She is the founder of MRB Compliance Group and Muse and Metrics.